Stutzky, Yaakov

Stutzky, Yaakov

The only son of Klara and Dov was born on 1926.16.9 on Mount Carmel in Haifa, after completing his training course, the War of Independence broke out and Yaakov was sent to the Galilee Ein Zeitim) and then to the Negev (Negba and its environs). When he moved to Hulda he was promoted to the rank of company commander. In the Hulda convoy, when the commander was wounded, he took charge of Haifa and withdrew from the convoy. Yaakov fell on the 11th of Nissan 5708 (April 20, 1948) during Operation Nachshon. When the caravan was attacked at Sha’ar Hagai, a unit was launched at the head to entrap the enemy from the wing and caused many casualties, thereby saving the convoy. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim. After his death, his work was marked by a special order and he was promoted to captain. His parents received their son’s medal of honor from Prime Minister David son of-Gurion.

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