Strosteza, Eliahu (Liki)

Strosteza, Eliahu (Liki)

Son of Roza (Shoshana) and David, was born on the 8th of Tevet 5709 (8/19/1929) in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. He completed elementary school and joined the Hashomer Hatzair movement. The Nazi regime that took control of Bulgaria in the second half of the World War forced it to stop its activities in the movement. At the end of the war, after the fall of the Nazi regime, he immigrated to Israel on October 25, 1945 and was educated in the immigrant youth group at Kibbutz Hazorea. After a period of assimilation in the new environment, he found the way to his life in the framework of Kibbutz Artzi and in conversations he maintained the purity of the idea and a revolutionary advance to create the new society in the spirit of his ideals. He was interested in natural history and society and was active in the cultural life of the youth society. He worked with his group in the Gadna and then joined the Palmach recruits and served in the Yiftach Brigade. Elijah specialized as a translator, participated in battles in Kafr Kana, Kafr Qayn, Zar’in, Zandala, Mishmar Ha’emek, and in the Galilee and Akko. On the fifteenth of Iyar 5708 (May 15, 1948), he fell in battle for Malkia, and from the day he fell until the 16th of Cheshvan 5770 (November 3, 2009), his burial place was unknown. In the IDF, it became clear that Eliahu-David was buried together with some of his friends in a mass grave at Kibbutz Maoz Haim. In his memory there was a ceremony for the placement of a gravestone in the cemetery in Maoz Haim.

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