Strong, Heiman

Strong, Heiman

During the First World War he lived in Cunning, England, and volunteered for the Jewish Legion – the 38th Battalion of the King’s Rifles. Heiman was an excellent soldier and was given the rank of officer. Together with the battalion, he arrived in Eretz Israel to participate in the conquest of the Turks and took part in battles on the way to Nablus and the battle over the Jordan crossings. At the beginning of October 1918, the battalion conducted an arduous journey on foot from the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem, and many soldiers, including Heiman, fell ill. The situation of the soldiers deteriorated, and on 27 Cheshvan, 2.11.1918 Heiman passed away while carrying out his duties. His memory was commemorated in “The Book of Recognition for British Jewry 1914-1918,” in the book “Yizkor” by the Jabotinsky Institute, and in the book “With the Jewish Battalions in the Land of Israel.” An investigation conducted in 2017 found that his resting place was in Qantara, Egypt.

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