Strinsky, Ofer Zafrir

Strinsky, Ofer Zafrir

Son of Roth and Abraham. He was born on August 16, 1968 in Jerusalem. He received his elementary education at the Yefe Nof School and completed his high school studies at the Ziv and Marx High School and was one of the graduates of his first class. Ofer was a child and an active youth, with organizational ability and decision-making skills. He liked to travel in Israel and was a member of the Beit Nehemiah patrol group. He was very active in sports and loved diving and social activities. When he enlisted in the IDF in February 1987, he volunteered to serve in the Givati ​​Brigade in the engineering unit of the platoon, where he was sent to a class commanders course and graduated as an outstanding apprentice, from which Sergeant Ofer Strinsky was sent in a direct summons to a course for infantry officers. And Ofer’s commanders respected him as having a warm relationship with those around him, a young man with a clear and determined worldview and a strong character, and he was an avowed seeker of justice, and everyone knew that he could be trusted in all circumstances. As a cadet, Ofer participated in an exercise in the Wadi Nafha area. Suddenly he felt ill and soon died in a heartfelt field. The resuscitation efforts of paramedics and medical staff failed. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and three sisters – Irit, Tamar and Sigal. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote, among other things: “Ofer was loved and accepted by his comrades and justified the responsibility he was given as an IDF commander. Ofer saw himself as a commander and understood the enormity of the deed and the enormous burden he was willing to bear on his shoulders. In the closing book of a course for infantry officers that Ofer participated in, he wrote to his friends: “We, the members, have the will to fulfill his dream, to disperse into the four winds and to educate A new generation of soldiers for values ​​such as those to which Hai lived. ” In a factory organized by the Ziv School and by its members, an observation point was erected in its memory (‘Ofer Corner’) above the springs of Sataf in the Judean Hills. In addition, a forest was named after him in the heroes’ forest at Nachshon and the sports corner of his school.

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