Stol, Yonah

Stol, Yonah

Son of Sima and Walter. Born in 1898 in the city of Tomaszow, Poland, to a haredi family, he was active in the Zionist camp and later became a wealthy family merchant in 1932. In 1932 he realized his long dream to move to Israel, where he was allowed to bring the rest of his family from Poland, and his family settled in Haifa. Yona joined the Haganah and worked for the Haifa bakery as a bread distributor, In the Jewish and Arab neighborhoods. Even during the difficult events, he did not miss a single day and took care of the shortage of the residents. On 18 Kislev (11/12/1938) while passing the eastern gates of the port, an Arab shot and killed him. He was buried in the cemetery in Haifa and left a wife, daughter, son and sister.

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