Steve, Gil (Stevie)

Steve, Gil (Stevie)

Son of Esther and Shimon. Born on September 23, 1968 in the city of Netanya, Gil studied at the Itamar son of Avi elementary school and continued his studies at the Neurim High School in Netanya, where he studied electrical and automotive mechanics and mechanical mechanics. His parents were Simcha with him, and a great love and a multitude of treats surrounded his childhood. He was a sports enthusiast, practiced physical fitness and was a fan of Maccabi Netanya. Gil was active in the Civil Guard. At the end of October 1986, he was drafted into the IDF, and was assigned to the General Service for a car workshop where he served as an electrician on a motor vehicle accident on September 4, 1988, during a road accident on the Netanya-Tel Aviv highway. He was buried in the military cemetery in the son of-Zion neighborhood of Netanya, and was survived by his parents and sister Revital, who found a song he loved very much: “We enjoyed life / we had seasons in the sun / When the seasons were over, see you, Father, please pray for me. See you, Dad, it’s hard to die / When all the birds sing in the sky … “And from his sister, Revital:” Brother, beloved brother, I’m left alone in the dark, with a bitter memory of great love / I miss the joy of life that accompanied you on your way / I miss the encouragement and compliments you lavished on me in your love / The little word is missing – my brother / I lack the air to breathe / How painful To me about the brother I loved, the whole death … “

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