Sternfeld, Dov (Bruno)

Sternfeld, Dov (Bruno)

Son of-Esther and Elhanan (Ernest) was born in Vienna, Austria on November 27, 1925. He immigrated to Israel with his parents on December 18, 1938, In 1941, the family moved to Jerusalem, where he studied tailoring, worked in the profession and was an active member of Maccabi for two years, served for two years in the Hagana and spent most of his training in Kiryat Anavim. At the beginning of the War of Independence in the winter of 1948, he volunteered for the Noam Company and was later transferred to the Moriah Battalion in the Etzioni Brigade, where he was a courageous and cold-blooded soldier. Dov participated in the battle for the Castel, where the Arab commander Abdul Qader al-Husseini fell. He went on a raid on an Arab front post in Khirbat-Hamamama, where he fell on April 8, 1948. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On September 19, 1951, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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