Stern, Shamir

Stern, Shamir

Son of Shilo and Shalom. He was born on the 25th of Kislev 5769 (25.1.1969) in the USA When he was ten years old, his family immigrated to Israel, where he studied at Maimon Elementary School in the junior high school and high school in the computers department. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, first as a trainee and later as a counselor, and from the age of sixteen he was active in the Civil Guard. He was placed in the engineering corps and went on to the basic training in the corps. At the end of basic training, Shamir remained at the basic training base as a computer operator. Shamir was disappointed, because he wanted to continue on a combat path and take a squad commanders’ course, and was willing to embark on long trips by the recruits, and Shamir was promoted to corporal and his commander’s recommendation read: “A disciplined soldier fulfills his duty as required.” On the 17th of Kislev 5748 (8 December 1987) Shamir fell during his service. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and a sister – Shira. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the unit wrote: “Shamir was one of the best soldiers in our unit, dedicated, energetic and energetic, and Shamir was always remembered as the first to bring the computer era into the unit.

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