Stern, Baruch

Stern, Baruch

Son of Nechama and Naftali of blessed memory, was born on May 18, 1964, in Haifa. Baruch grew up and was educated in a national religious home in the Kiryat Shmuel neighborhood, where he began his studies at the Aharon Haroeh State Religious School. He continued his studies at the “Farhi-Aharon” yeshiva high school in Kiryat Shmuel, and after completing the 10th grade he moved to the “Yavneh” school in Haifa. After graduating from high school, Baruch joined the IDF as part of the hesder yeshivas, and was a member of the “Shilo” movement in Samaria and was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement. , And was a member of the “Elitzur” sports movement, he played basketball, loved painting, and when he was a student at the Shilo Yeshiva he began to study the profession of Sofer Stam. From his youth he was blessed with solid national-religious views. He wrote two articles, published after he fell. Another article discusses the issue of Kiddush Hashem, and the other discusses the commandment of immigration to Eretz Israel. A few months before he enlisted in the IDF, his father died, and he saw himself as obligated to protect his widowed mother, and despite his willingness to serve in an elite combat unit, he asked him to visit his mother. During his service, his unit was stationed three times in various sectors in Lebanon, and for the third time he went to Lebanon with his unit On the eve of Pesach, in the spring of 1985. Baruch served in the area of ​​A-Qasimiya, and during the course of his service, he went on foot patrols near the bridge, and on April 5, 1985, a terrorist squad detonated a roadside bomb. For 19 days he fought for his life, and on the 3rd of Iyar 5745 (24.4.1985) died of his wounds. He was 21 years old when he fell. Baruch was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, where he left behind a mother, brother and sister, and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Corporal Baruch Stern gave his life for his homeland. He served in the infantry and was one of the best fighters in the unit, admired by all his friends and those around him. ” The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “His commanders and friends saw him as a warrior, who succeeded in integrating himself as a bible with the national commitment to serve his country, despite the difficulties involved. The mitzvot between man and man and between man and his fellow man were anxious to fulfill the commandment, fearing not to cause desecration of God. In his memory, his friends published a Torah booklet, which includes two articles he wrote and a collection of articles by rabbis and friends who cherish his memory. After him, a Torah library was set up for the Shilo Yeshiva, where he studied

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  • Name: רבקי פוזנר
    Relationship: אחות
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