Stern, Adir

Stern, Adir

Adir, son of Sarah and Moshe, was born on Thursday, November 4, 1952. Adir enlisted in the IDF in early February 1971 and was assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training, he completed a course in the armored corps and tank commander courses, and both completed high grades. Later, he was posted as a tank commander in one of the armored corps field battalions. He also distinguished himself in the army as an excellent soldier and as an exceptional person, and was awarded the Divisional Economy Prize and the Divisional Sniper Award. Thanks to his great success in his relations with people and his ability to command his men out of good friendship, his commanders offered him the role of battalion sergeant. Adir would have accepted this position only on the condition that in the war he would be returned to command a tank. During the Yom Kippur War, Adir participated in the battles of braking and in the battles in the Golan Heights as commander of a tank. The story of his fighting is a matter of heroism and sacrifice, and this is perhaps also the only way to know the real character of the man, who spoke little and many things. On the morning of Yom Kippur, Adir traveled to his unit on the Golan Heights, even though they did not read it. When he reached the camp of Nafah, his unit was subjected to bitter fighting. He did not sit idly by and immediately began evacuating damaged tanks, gathering casualties and preparing tanks for re-use. On the second day of the fighting, the organizer began providing assistance to his unit, which suffered the most casualties. The convoy that he organized and led to his unit was attacked by Syrian commandos who managed to destroy it almost completely. Adir saved his life after pretending to be dead. After the Syrians were repulsed by our forces, Adir continued with the action of the tank organization that was not hit. On the third day of the war he joined the force under the command of battalion commander Yossi Son of Hanan and took part in the battles to break into the “enclave.” Members of the battle tell how he saved and rescued casualties himself, always arriving at the right place at the critical moment. D) 12.10.1973 His tank was hit in the battle on Tel Shams and was abandoned on the battlefield, Adir’s tank had been dragged by the Syrians to Damascus, He was brought to rest at the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant,

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