Steissani, Eli

Steissani, Eli

Eli, son of Yaffa and Herbert, was born on October 5, 1946 in Kiryat Bialik, near Haifa, where he studied at the Kiryat Bialik elementary school in his hometown and later continued his studies at the Kiryat Haim High School. After graduating from the Technion, he completed his undergraduate studies in physics at the Technion in Haifa, where he was a good student, quick-paced and capable of solving complicated problems. He was able to summarize a long argument in a single sentence: He was a man whose virtues are not immediately revealed, for he did not like to elaborate on words, In addition to his talents in the fields of physics and mathematics, he was also very sensitive to the plastic arts, drawing and molding clay for household and building tools, and designing original jewelry, and his family had many paintings, tools and jewelry, all of which were original works of art. His family refused to show them or to publicize them in any way, and his family continued to honor this desire and they kept his work as an expensive personal memento. In this profession he thought of finding the ideal combination of his talents in the real professions and his love for beauty and aesthetics. This dream was no longer fulfilled. Eli was drafted into the IDF at the end of January 1968 as part of the Academic Reserve and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed basic training, completed courses in the Armored Corps and successfully completed a Tank Commander Course and Armored Officers Course. He returned to Holland in the course of the exchange of students, and returned to serve in Sinai during the War of Attrition, where he worked for two more years, including one in career service, Weaponry, experimentation and training of field units in the Armored Corps headquarters He drew the attention of every person he met, leaving a great impression on his people because of his special personality, as did his direct commander, Lt. Col. Shaul. He quickly became the dominant figure in the group, which worked under Shaul’s command, and everyone used to consult him on matters of labor. Shaul remembers that he loved talking to me about dreams shared by both of them, such as the nature of a better world and how to manage a group of workers successfully. During the Yom Kippur War, Eli participated in the war effort on the southern front. When the fighting broke out he stabilized in his unit, although he was not called for service, since only a short while before he had been discharged from the career army, he had not yet been stationed in a reserve unit. On the 4th of Adar 5734 (March 4, 1974), he fell to me while he was performing his duties in the Sinai and was brought to eternal rest in the Tzur Shalom cemetery in the Haifa Bay, leaving behind a wife, parents and brother. In the landscape of the homeland; A tree was planted in his name in the “Bar-Kochba Forest” forest near the Kennedy Forest in Jerusalem.

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