Steiner, Michael (“Micha”)

Steiner, Michael (“Micha”)

Son of Kurt and Yehudit. He was born on February 23, 1945 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, in the last days of World War II.In 1952, after escaping with his mother from a communist country, he traveled to Petah Tikva in a small apartment he prepared for them Despite the difficulties of language, Michael found a common language with his friends and was fond of his teachers for his diligence, and he loved nature – his dog and the birds that were his friends at home, and every bush and plant in the field had friends and associates. He completed his studies there and then studied the framework profession thoroughly, because his intention was to come to the aid of the family, since its economic situation was difficult. In 1964 he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade. Michael did not try to emphasize himself especially, but everyone knew that he could be trusted and therefore loved him. Michael was full of self-confidence, sociable. Ready to help others, but for all this he was very humble. When he was released from the army he returned home but he was out of work and the situation in Israel in those days was difficult. His family wanted him to find his place abroad, but he refused to listen to the requests of his family claiming that he had only his place in Israel. In June he said to marry and decided to furnish his apartment with his own hands, even though his profession was not the profession of carpentry. But not when he planned. From time to time he went on reserve duty and was called to the flag before the Six-Day War, and on the second day of the fighting, he was on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), fell in a battle held in a fortified formation of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem. He fell from a bundle that came from one of the houses to which some of the Jordanians in the settlement had moved. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In the book “Marinas Gabro” of the Paratroopers Headquarters was devoted a page to his history and description of his last battle

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