Steiner, David (“Dedi”)

Steiner, David (“Dedi”)

Son of Yehuda and Elisheva. He was born on August 26, 1945 in Tel Aviv. At the age of two, the family moved to Ra’anana. In his childhood he had been outstanding in his understanding that he liked to build and assemble toys. By the time he reached school he had attended the B State School on the spot and excelled as a diligent and talented student. He was always willing to help others. On his days off from school he used to help his father with the building work. David was attracted to technical work and when he completed his elementary studies, he began attending high school in Ra’anana and then influenced his contemporaries to join him. Thus, he contributed his share in establishing a high school in Ra’anana. Afterward, he continued to study at the New High School in Tel Aviv, where he excelled in studying the real subjects. At that time, he began to study construction engineering at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa. David belonged to Dror – the Mahanot Ha’olim. At the age of 18 he underwent a serious crisis: On the one hand, he wanted to study at the Technion, and on the other hand he continued to settle in the kibbutz, where he continued to join the kibbutz, out of his love and admiration for his older brother, who was also on the kibbutz and then joined the Kibbutz Regavim in Samaria. The kibbutz found its purpose. His day was filled with interest in work, social life and preoccupation with various hobbies, such as photography and stamp collecting. Even though he was not an athlete, he did his hand to build a basketball court and worked hard at it until late. He was drafted into the IDF in July 1963 and joined the paratroop brigade. After completing his regular service, he would go on reserve duty from time to time, and even at the outbreak of the Six-Day War called to reserve duty. His great faith in the IDF’s strength, in the justice of our war, his unswerving devotion to his comrades and his concern for them, were expressed in his last letters to his home during the period of alert. What to trust. In any case, I promise not to disappoint, “he concluded, hoping to see you, but in a battle held in the American Colony in Jerusalem, the capital was damaged when he ran to rescue another wounded man near the junction beyond the wall. Was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem A page in his memory was dedicated to him in the Raanana Local Council’s bulletin, and his memory was mentioned in his “Fundamentals” Lions of Gabro “, the paratroopers’ headquarters was dedicated to the history and description of the last battle.

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