Steinberg, Avraham

Steinberg, Avraham

Son of Attal and Shlomo, was born on July 7, 1926, in Tarnow, Poland. During the Second World War he moved to the Soviet Union and with the signing of the famous agreement between Stalin and Shikorsky on the release of Polish citizens, he arrived in Palestine in 1943 with the Teheran Children. In 1944 he joined the British Army and fought in Europe in the ranks of the Jewish Brigade. In 1946, with the dismantling of the Brigade, he was released and returned to Israel. Here he joined the Haganah and was active in it. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he immediately became active. On May 14, 1948 he took part in a battle near Ramat Hakovesh where he fell and was buried in Netanya on the 22nd of Tammuz, 22.6.1950, was transferred to the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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