Stark, Nahum (Naftali-Herz)

Stark, Nahum (Naftali-Herz)

Son of Hanna and Zvi Aryeh was born on October 17, 1915, in the town of Oknaz, Hungary, after which he moved to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, where he received a Jewish and Zionist education and completed six primary and four elementary classes In 1940 he served in the Hungarian army in a regular enlistment of peace days, and in 1942 he was drafted and sent to a German labor camp in the Ukraine, where in 1944 he moved to the Russian partisans and participated in battles against them. The Nazi enemy until the end of the war, and when he returned home he went with his wife and little daughter to the “escape route” and in 1946 they made aliya to Eretz Israel on the illegal immigrant ship Hagana. He joined the Haganah, trained and went to guard duty, and in the winter of 1948 he was drafted into the army and served as a corporal and a sniper. In one of the battalions in the Alexandroni Brigade. . After he took the exams he was attached to the Rangers Company. He took part in the operations of his battalion in the Sharon front until he was hit by a bullet while guarding the outpost near Ramat Hakovesh and fell on September 17, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. He left behind a wife, Esther, and a daughter, Yehudit.

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