Stark, Erez

Stark, Erez

Ben Bracha and Meir. Born on 24.12.1975 in Kiryat Ata, brother of Ilan and Oshrit Erez began his studies at the Hatzvi Israel Elementary School in Kiryat Ata, continued in the Rogozin junior high school in the sports class, which was the elite class of Beit- Erez worked in volleyball and basketball, and thanks to his talent he reached the Israel volleyball team, in which he represented the country in competitions abroad. In the middle of October 1994, Erez enlisted in the IDF, where he was trained as a lieutenant colonel in the Signal Corps, at the end of which he was assigned to one of the bases in the Northern Command. At the end of a year as a military service officer, he underwent a basic officers’ course and completed a connection. Erez was offered five positions, but he did not give up and fought to get only the job he wanted to reach. And when he took on this role, he was not happy with him. Erez managed to serve for seven months at the Beaufort ridge and in the “Pumpkin” outpost, while he served as a commander, and took care of them all as a commander, and Erez saw the army as the object of his career and aspired to advance on this path. 5772 (4.2.1997) The helicopter disaster occurred when two Yasur helicopters collided over Moshav She’ar Yashuv, and the seventy-three fighters, who made their way to operational activity in Lebanon, were killed, including Erez, who was twenty-one years old. In Kiryat Ata, he left his parents, brother and sister, and was promoted to lieutenant after his death, and his family commemorated him in volleyball competitions and reading ambulances Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote in a letter of condolence to the family: “Erez served as a liaison officer in the Hiram formation of the Northern Command, and was described by his commanders as an officer Erez, who saw his service as a mission, contributed his experience to advancing the missions and responded to every challenge he faced, despite the difficulty involved. ” “Erez was on his way to a front post in southern Lebanon, where he served as a liaison officer,” Erez told the family, “Erez loved the service in Lebanon, the difficulties, the challenges and was a responsible, devoted and professional officer who always cared for the welfare of his subordinates. We will not be able to return to life, but this spirit, the belief in the rightness of the road, the willingness to impose on yourself the hardness of the tasks, this devotion – to give as a worldview. ” One of Erez’s friends wrote a poem in his name, “Dear Friend”: “Shalom, dear friend, you will remember forever, because you have always been and always will be, something special. You were tall not only in your body, but high in your intelligence. / You aspired to be the best, and the truth is that we saw you as the perfect man, an outstanding athlete and a fearless young man. Everything is cut off suddenly in a helicopter accident. / / It is important to us that you know that you will remember forever / Because you do not have a character like yours / You were devoted, friendly and helpful to everyone / / Remember you, dear friend. Meir after from poems and diary. “Nothing will hurt me / Nothing / No woman, no terrorists’ ball / Nothing will hurt me / Because I swore to my sister, my brother, my brother, For parentsI have been worried about the days / I worried about the days / because I was afraid that something would hurt the parents / And my father’s voice is ringing in my head / For years when he said / If something happens to you / I have no taste for life, taste for tomorrow. Erez’s sister, Oshrit, wrote many songs in his memory, one of which is the song “Kochav”: “He was a flower who had not yet managed to grow, he was an angel who had not yet received his wings. / / He was a masterpiece of fate / and one like him was really hard to create, raise him and give him all his needs, / make him love and be loved. / And suddenly at the age of twenty-one, the age of new beginnings / He was cut off, / received his wings / and grew to be a star. “

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