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Stanitsky, Daniel (Daska)

Stanitsky, Daniel (Daska)

Son of Pessiah and Joshua. He was born in 1905 in Grodno, Poland. In 1925 he immigrated to Eretz Israel, settled in Karkur, and began working in the orchards of Hadera. In 1928 he moved to Karkur, then worked as a tractor operator. When he started drilling wells he worked for the local water company in Karkur and when the moshav was transferred to Mekorot, he was added to the company’s staff. In addition to his work he also held various security positions. As a member of the “Hagana” organization, he was involved in raising illegal immigrants on the shores of the country. More than once the ships anchored far from the shore and Daniel would swim to the ships and carry immigrants onto the shore. This was aided by his physical fitness and his excellent swimming abilities. He was later appointed by Mekorot to be responsible for checking the company’s water wells in his area of ​​residence. Together with Isser Tankus, his youthful friend, he would pass daily from Beer to Bar and examine the height of water and the condition of the well. On 23 Elul, August 30, 1937, the two went out to inspect a well in the Karkur area. Tankus went down to the well and Daniel was left to guard outside. Arabs who ambushed two opened fire on Daniel and killed him. Tankus, who heard the shots being hit, was also killed. Both were brought for burial in a mass grave in Karkur. Daniel left a wife and son.