Spitzer, Andor-Berl

Spitzer, Andor-Berl

The only son of Golda and Yitzhak was born on July 28, 1920 in Hungary and immigrated with his parents to Palestine in 1939. Andor was in a number of kibbutzim, most of the time at Kibbutz Ginosar. When the Yishuv was recruited into the British army, Andor was among the recruits, and served in the British Engineers Corps for three and a half years. Upon his discharge from the British army he continued to work as a civilian in the army camps and lived in Kiryat Yam. In November 1947 he was accepted to work at the refineries in Haifa Bay. Following the United Nations General Assembly resolution of November 29, 1947, Jewish and Arab workers were restrained at the refineries and other mixed labor camps, and the Haganah ordered Jewish workers to remain in the workplace and continue to work there despite the dangers involved. On the 17th of Tevet 5708 (30.12.1947) Arab workers attacked Jewish workers and mercilessly killed 39 people, in retaliation for an incident the day before when Irgun members dropped a bomb and killed six Arabs. Andor Berl was among the fallen in the line of duty. He was laid to rest at the Hof Hacarmel cemetery in Haifa

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