Spitz, Baruch (Richard, Bambi)

Spitz, Baruch (Richard, Bambi)

Born on January 1, 1920 in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, to an assimilated family, he grew up in his grandparents’ home and joined the youth movement of the Young Maccabee, became an enthusiastic Zionist, and sought He joined the group of immigrants who left Prague on the train to Bratislava, where they boarded the ship “Saturnus”, which brought them to the shores of the Black Sea After a long wait the group boarded the illegal immigrant ship ” Which made its way to the shores of the Land of Israel.After the passage in the Straits of the Dardanelles, a “Sceria” was stopped by a British warship and all the Ma’apilim They were brought to Haifa and sentenced to six months in detention in the Atlit and Tzrifin camps, and Baruch and his friends received training in the Neve Eitan group in the Beit She’an Valley, where Baruch joined the British army and served in the Royal Engineers Corps. Even before the outbreak of the War of Independence, Baruch was recruited and worked against Arab gangs and invading armies on May 20, 1948, when he was driving in an army jeep from Tiberias to Degania , Turned over with his vehicle and was killed. He was buried in the cemetery in the Giv’at Zeid. He left a sister in Canada. After a while his body was transferred to eternal rest in the military section of the cemetery in Tivon.

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