Spiegel, Yitzhak (Adolfo)

Spiegel, Yitzhak (Adolfo)

Son of Pnina (nee Sharfstein) and David. Yitzhak was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the 27th of Shevat (February 20, 1936). Yitzhak’s parents fled the pogroms in Poland. They met in Buenos Aires. Yitzhak grew up in a warm, loving and very civilized home. Both parents were teachers, and his father’s uncle was one of the founders of the Argentinian Zionist Movement. At the age of ten, Yitzchak was orphaned from his father after the father suffered a severe illness that lasted for a long time. Yitzhak loved his father very much, and during his illness he took care of him and treated him with great devotion. After his father’s death, Yitzhak took care of his mother and his little sister, and took on the role of the man in the house. He had a particularly strong relationship with his little sister Rachel, and always directed her and guarded her. Yitzhak studied education and at the same time worked as a trainee with a jeweler. At the age of seventeen he completed his studies and began his educational career. He was a successful teacher, and his success began at the very first moment when he entered the classroom and smiled at his students. It was clear to all his acquaintances that his education would be brilliant and full of contribution to the community. At the age of eighteen, Yitzhak met the girl who was to become his wife and the mother of his children. Yitzhak volunteered during his service on the 12th of Tishrei 5738 (24.9.1977). He was forty-one when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Karmiel cemetery.

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