Spiegel, Aharon-Shmuel

Spiegel, Aharon-Shmuel

Aharon-Shmuel, son of Friedel-Malka and Avraham-Chaim Spiegel, was born on June 23, 1910 in the city of Krakow, Galicia. The boy, who belonged to a Chortkov Chassidic family, was raised and educated in the spirit of Torah, Jewish tradition, and Hasidism. In 1919 he immigrated to Israel, settled in Jerusalem and eventually married. He worked as a milkman for Tnuva. Aharon did not abandon the tent of Torah, and sometimes he put the milk box on a street corner and went to the nearby Beit Midrash. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the Haganah and devoted his energies to erecting checkpoints within the framework of the Israel Defense Forces. On 27 Tamuz, August 3, 1948, he stood in an extremist position near the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and set up roadblocks, and when he loaded a large stone on his shoulder he was spotted by the enemy and a group of bullets ended his life. He left behind a wife and six children. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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