Sperber, Amiela-Chana (Amaya)

Sperber, Amiela-Chana (Amaya)

Daughter of Tuvia and Sarah. She was born on January 6, 1947 in Jerusalem. She began her education at the Katznelson Elementary School in her hometown and then moved to Givatayim to Gordon Elementary School until she graduated. She later attended the Kalai High School there. She belonged to Hanoar Haoved, to the Borochov kibbutz and to Hapoel. She was interested in literature and folk dancing. Was conscripted into the IDF in July 1965, and a few months later she fell while performing her duties on the 28th of Tevet 5726 (December 28, 1965) – she was eighteen years old and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Pamphlet in her name and in her memory.

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