Soussi, Yehuda (Leon)

Soussi, Yehuda (Leon)

Son of Eliyahu and Claire. Born in Istanbul, Turkey on August 27, 1937. Immigrated to Israel as part of Youth Aliyah in 1949 and began studying at the Magdiel educational institution, a quiet child by nature, He grew up in the agricultural school in Magdiel, where he became a member of the agricultural school in Magdiel, and when his training period approached, he and other members joined the nucleus Who went to Moshav Talmei Yaffe, volunteered for the paratroopers unit, and until the end of his life he fulfilled his mission Of the most difficult jobs assigned to it. He fell in a battle in the Sinai system on the 27th of Mershvan 5711 (1/11/1956). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His memory was mentioned in the pamphlet Tevet 5717 of “Pages” (the journal of the Youth and Youth Department that appeared on behalf of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem.) Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers” was also mentioned.

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