Sommer, Menachem-Pinchas (Mendel)

Sommer, Menachem-Pinchas (Mendel)

Son of David and Chaya. He was born on January 27, 1948 in the city of Ulm in Germany. The family, suffering from the suffering and hardships of the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe, immigrated to Israel and comforted at that time about a year old. He took his first steps in the religious elementary school of Chabad in Jaffa, where he studied at the “Torah and Crafts” high school in Tel Aviv, where he was a member of the Scouts movement. The Gadna Center in Jaffa, where his main occupation was in shooting clubs. His success in this field attests to the many medals he received. He read a lot of books and his main hobbies were sports (swimming and soccer training) and trips and tours throughout the country – from Dan to Eilat. Participated in three four-day marches. He was very interested in knowing the country and the topography. After completing his studies at the Max Payne Professional School in Tel Aviv, he worked in the military industry of the Ministry of Defense. In November 1965, he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Paratroopers Brigade, and when he wore the paratrooper’s wings he was Simcha to serve in a combat unit, but he refused to accept lighter and less dangerous positions. To be a combat soldier After a long course he was placed in the service of the combat paramedics in the Paratroopers Brigade and saw this as a mission for a long period. The Paratroopers Day in Ramat Gan and the Independence Day Parade in 1967, which the Paratroopers Unit held in Jerusalem, and everyone admired and loved him for his unlimited delivery and for his gentleness and gentleness. He aspired to become an officer. The Six-Day War broke out when he was still in compulsory service and at the height of the battle for Gaza, about a kilometer after the Hirbat Drag junction, Menachem was hit in the leg. But after they bandaged his wound with his own hands while he spied on his pain, he ran with superhuman powers and without wasting time worrying about the other wounded around him, because he knew that he hoped for them in these difficult moments.We have no choice but to fight to the last drop of our imagination with the sacrifice of six million of our brothers, but we will not go to the slaughter. We have families in the rear and I have a shield for them. “It was on the first day of the battles, on 26 June 1967. He was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later transferred to the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery, and his name was mentioned in the book” Praise be to them “for Mordecai Naor, and lists were printed on him and on his character in the book” Maalot Giborim “edited by Israel Erlich.

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