Solovitch, Yaakov (Rafael)

Solovitch, Yaakov (Rafael)

The son of Zelda and Avraham HaCohen, was born on the 23rd of Av, August 25, 1932, in the city of Cluj (Clausenburg), Transylvania (Romania). In September
1936, at the age of 4, his parents immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. To protect family’s religiousness and traditions he was sent to study in the Talmud Torah and then to a small yeshiva. From childhood Yaakov was known for his kindness and his willingness to give everything he had to others. He was an obedient son. At age of 14, he came in contact with boys who helped him join the Hanoar Haoved movement and at the age of 15 he and some of his comrades were transferred to a Palmach recruit training program. From there he was transferred with his battalion to struggling Jerusalem. Yaakov served in the Harel Brigade. He participated in escorting convoys, during the conquest of Katamon, in the battles of Castel and Sheikh Jarrah. He also participated in the “Maccabi”, the operation to take back the road to Jerusalem. Yaakov died at Sha’ar Hagai, on the 2nd of Iyar 5708 (May 11, 1948), about three months before he turned 16.
He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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