Solonikov, Kalman (Kalmi)

Solonikov, Kalman (Kalmi)

Kalman (Kalmi), son of Boko and Lena Solonikov, was born in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, and completed his studies in high school in 1948. He immigrated to Israel in 1948. He was in the framework of the Youth Aliya in Ben-Shemen until his induction into the IDF in June 1950. Kalman fell in a battle in El-Chama on the 27th of Adar II, 5751 (April 4, 1951) and was buried in the military cemetery in Afula. On the 24h of Tammuz 5712 (17.7.1952) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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