Solomon, Melech

Solomon, Melech

Son of Olga and Eliasz was born in 1922 in Debrecen, Hungary, where he completed elementary school. Immigrated to Israel in 1944. He was dedicated and willing to respond to any call for the establishment of the state. During the War of Independence he served in the Carmeli Brigade. On the afternoon of March 27, 1948, a convoy of seven vehicles and 90 people left Nahariya to deliver supplies, fortifications and reinforcements to Yiham. Near Kabri, the convoy encountered an Arab ambush. The first armored vehicle managed to break into Yehiam, but the rest of the vehicles were ambushed. The convoy members fought until the evening and under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but half of them fell in battle and Melech among them. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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