Sokolov, Shmuel

Sokolov, Shmuel

Son of Rachel and Jacob was born on June 26, 1906, in the town of Lukow, Poland, Immigrated to Israel in 1925 as a pioneer in the “Hapoel Hamizrachi”. At first, he worked on the roads, in the orchards, in the building, and over time began to work as a contractor. At the time, he was one of the most prominent Haganah activists who split from the Haganah and was one of the founders of the Etzel. During the War of Independence he took an active part in the fighting despite his age – he was 42 years old and fell in battle in Malha on 15 July 1948. He was buried in Sheikh Bader A. He left a wife and three daughters on 28 Elul 1950 (10.9.1950) was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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