Sobol, Menachem (Bick)

Sobol, Menachem (Bick)

Son of Hedva and Avraham, was born on 28 July 1929 in Binyamina and was educated in Beit Amelim for work and love of work, and after graduating from elementary school in Binyamina he studied for a year in Yagur and then moved to the regional school in Giv’at Hashlosha. Menachem was a moderate in his behavior, serious at work, involved with his friends and their favorite, and at the Givat Hashlosha school he joined the Hanoar Haoved movement and was active there until the end of his studies in 1948. He served in the Yiftach Brigade, took part in the battles of Lod, and after the battle of El Borg near Lod, His regiment made the first move of the “Yoav” operation to break through to the Negev – the seizure of the Beit Hanoun wedges on the night of 15-16 October 1948. This move was meant to sever the Egyptian forces from the north To Gaza, and to their misdeeds regarding the main area of ​​the effort.The Egyptians attacked the wedges with great force, and a shell hit the outpost and eight soldiers were covered in the collapse. Ror Kaduri was shot and killed on the 17th of Tishrei 5709 (October 17, 1948.) He was buried in Dorot and was 19 years old when he fell, and on the 17th of Iyar 5705 (4.5.1950) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery In Netanya.

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