Smooha, Baruch

Smooha, Baruch

Son of Yitzhak and Farcha. He was born on September 11, 1949 in Baghdad, Iraq. Immigrated with his family to Israel when he was two and a half years old. He grew up as a “sabra” for everything and loved the country with all his soul. He studied at the Weizmann elementary school and spent his first year at the “BaMaleh” high school – both in Acre. Baruch was an athlete, loved the chess game and played in the Acre Youth Orchestra. Before he enlisted, he learned to drive. He was drafted into the IDF in July 1967 and served as a media driver, and he was loved and accepted by his commanders for his obedience and efficiency in his position on February 24, 1970. Before he completed his compulsory service, The Ammunition Truck, which blew up in Eilat, was brought to the Nahariya Military Cemetery to commemorate his name, and his father donated a sum of money to the Ohr Torah Synagogue in Akko, to engrave his name in marble, and donated two silver hand grenades to the Yad L’Achim Synagogue, He also donated a Torah library to the Or Torah Synagogue in Acre, in the name of his friend, Nissan Samir.

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