Smadja, Joseph (Yossi)

Smadja, Joseph (Yossi)

Son of Hanna and Sharli. Born on 15.12.1966 in Yavneh, where he grew up and was educated by relatives and friends, Yossi was in Bialik Elementary School and continued his studies in the local high school in the ninth grade. After leaving school, he worked in the Nahal Soreq nuclear reactor until his enlistment, and was drafted into regular service in November 1984 and assigned to serve in Mishmar He was a soldier who fulfilled his duties properly, and Yossi served as a patrol and policewoman and reached the rank of corporal during his service. Yossi fell in the line of duty on September 11, 1987, about two months before his release, and was brought to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Yavneh. He was followed by parents, two brothers – Rami and Yigal and three sisters – Kochba, Sima and Chaya.

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