Slavikovsky, Tomer

Slavikovsky, Tomer

Ben Bella and Stanislaw. He was born on the night of the sixth of Cheshvan 5742 (November 3, 1981) in Moldova, the former Soviet Union, to Alex, and when Tomer came to the world he weighed four kilos, and he was a beautiful and cute baby with white hair and a good face. He was also the favorite of his children because of his good heart and his special sense of humor, and Tomer was a leader, and was followed by his friends, although he did not like studying very much, but he had many talents. He was always willing to help and help others, and was sensitive to others, and his love for animals was evident at an early age, and he expressed himself In 1998, Tomer immigrated to Israel with his family and was happy to arrive in Israel and received the new state as it was, and with the difficulties of immigration he faced many complaints, And was assisted by his parents in their difficulties, and before his military service, he worked in hard physical jobs. Slavikovsky fell during his service on the 17th of Adar 5762 (February 17, 2002), after leaving the house and did not return. The circumstances of his death remained unclear. Tomer was twenty years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Ashdod military cemetery. Survived by parents and brother.

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