Sit, Abraham (Alberto)

Sit, Abraham (Alberto)

Son of Julia and Jacob, was born in 1925 in Argentina. Avraham graduated from the Gymnasium abroad, immigrated to Israel at the age of 17, and immediately began to work in his profession, Decorator, in Tel Aviv and made a decent living. He was a cheerful fellow and the minister was Simcha around him. Throughout the years he was a member of the Haganah. When the War of Independence broke out after the UN General Assembly decided to partition the country, he enlisted in the naval company of the Palmach. His first training was in Mikhmoret, near Kfar Vitkin. From there he was transferred with his company to Jerusalem and served as a machine gunner in the Bab-el-Wad outposts. In preparation for Operation Nachshon, the Kastel, which controls the road and was held by our forces, was conquered. The Arabs carried out a number of counter-attacks in order to return this vital control to their hands and on one night, on the night of April 7-8, their commander Abd al-Qader al-Husseini was killed. On the 28th of Adar II 5708 (1948), the Arab forces carried out a fierce attack to capture the place and find the body of their leader. The Palmach platoon, which belonged to the 5th Battalion of the Harel Brigade, emerged as reinforcements, and its members covered the retreat of the defenders of the Castel, who were buried in a mass grave in Maaleh Hahamisha on November 19, 1953. Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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