Sirlin, avi

Sirlin, avi

Ben Miriam and Jacob. Born on the 27th of Kislev 5711 (27.11.1952) in Ramat Gan, a third child to his parents, a year after his birth, his sister Yaffa died, my father was a boy with red-gold hair and his hair darkened. – “Aliyot” book in Ramat Gan, and continued in high school in Amal High School in Tel Aviv, where his father died suddenly and my father left school and began working as a mechanic. After his release he worked as a heavy truck driver. My father loved the power of the engine. During the trip to Eilat he was joined by Zehava, who became his wife in August 1975. At first the couple lived in the doctors’ housing adjacent to Shmuel Harofeh Hospital, where Zehava worked as a nurse. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Rishon LeZion, Adi, Rotem and Ziv. Their house was a warm home and my father a loving father, devoted and open, a huge father on whom everyone cuddles and tells him everything. He was a man with a golden heart and during the family walks he was quick to offer the knowledge and skill he had acquired to every owner of a stuck car and received many thanks. In late 1977 my father joined the ranks of the career army. My father’s name was known at the base as an excellent mechanic. Due to a serious injury in a road accident he moved to function as a military bus driver. His commanders praised his understanding of the country’s roads, his desire to help, and the good atmosphere he had imparted to his passengers. During his spare time, he read books a lot and had wide and profound knowledge. After he asked to move to a base in southern Israel, he was stationed at the Uvda base. There, too, he acquired the reputation of an excellent driver and mechanic and was a loyal friend of all. On the 25th of Kislev, 5751 (25.11.1990), he fell in battle on the southern border and was thirty-eight years old, and my father was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion, leaving behind a wife, two daughters, two sons, Shriki and Iris after his death was promoted to the rank of Major. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Moshe Arens, the defense minister at the time, wrote: “My father was devoted and dedicated. He always volunteered first for every mission, involved in all the unusual tasks of the car division. The Jewish Students Organization in Rome planted a tree in his memory in the KKL-JNF forests

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