Singer, Yoram

Singer, Yoram

Son of Yehuda and Rivka. Born on March 25, 1931 in Ayelet Hashahar, the parents moved to Givat HaShlosha when Yoram was two years old, completed his studies at the local elementary school, studied at the regional school there and at the vocational school He was a member of the “Hanoar Haoved” youth movement, and was a metalworker, but he was the soul of the artist who tended to draw and folk dances, completed a course in the Nahal Brigade and fulfilled all his duties with agility and loyalty. He performed the responsible role of a sergeant in the school with strict discipline, while he proved his loyal concern for his subordinates, and fell during his duty on December 20, 1951 and was buried In the Givat Hashlosha cemetery, with the foundation of Kibbutz Einat by some of the members of Giv’at Hashlosha, on the anniversary of his death, was laid to rest in the cemetery on the new kibbutz.

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