Simyonovich, Vladimir

Simyonovich, Vladimir

Son of Bernard and Gally. He was born on 26.8.1956 in Romania. After graduating from the 11th grade in France, he immigrated to Israel alone, where he studied at an ulpan in Kibbutz Ha-Ogen and later joined Kibbutz Shefayim, where he graduated from high school and completed his matriculation exams. He underwent the basic training of the Armored Corps, was trained to be a tank driver and later a tank commander with the rank of sergeant. Was a favorite commander of his soldiers, a friend and a bad friend. On the 3rd of Tevet 5738 (13.12.1977) he fell in the line of duty and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Kibbutz Shefayim, leaving behind a mother and sister.

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