Simchoni, Avner (“Avneryk”)

Simchoni, Avner (“Avneryk”)

Son of Assaf and Delilah. He was born on August 12, 1948, in Kibbutz Tel Yosef, where he studied at Tel-Yosef and Ein Harod, and was active in sports, which was very close to his Lev – especially basketball He was also a member of the children’s choir in Tel-Yosef, and devoted himself mainly to literature and public works, and in both of these areas he had tendencies. Are indicative of his form of expression, because he was Yaffa – he edited the newsletter of the children’s company and interviewed his contemporaries and preached to his friends. The children were a guide to them, and he was full of emotion and identification with others, a Lev that once loved him and he found satisfaction in good deeds, looked at things and did not take lightly in some things. The place where there are values ​​of equality, sharing, etc. “Oy Va Voi,” he once said in a letter, “If kibbutzim were to cease to exist!” Avner did not like to boast about talk about deeds. The distance from speech is in fact. It would require more dedication to the branches of the agriculture and more social activity. He was honest, sincere and dedicated. Modesty, humility, innocence, and faith were on his face, and they were sucked from a pure source within him and expressed in his personal and familial matters and even in the values ​​of nationality and society. His family was Simcha and they were Simcha to see him succeed in his studies and then work in the orchard – a branch of his choice. He took on this burden with all his devotion until the day he enlisted in the army in August 1966. Even when he came for a short vacation he ran to work in the orchard, where he found great satisfaction. In the army, a normal family was very large, connected to his mother and interested in everything about her, but here was the outbreak of the Six-Day War, and of course Avner participated in a combat unit, and with the jeep he fought with blood from Rafah to the Suez Canal. Many stories about the difficult days and the constant danger that the army was in it – all in good spirits. Served in the Gulf of Suez. He was not spared any serious incident. But the Tenth of Tevet Tsc”t (12/31/1968) rose jeep which drove over a mine and Avner Avner found his death; It was south of Ras Sudar. His father, Assaf, who became known as a commander in the War of Independence, was later the commander of the Southern Command in the Sinai Campaign and raised the Israeli flag in Sharm el-Sheikh with Moshe Dayan. He fell on Jordanian soil and his body was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem. His son Avner was brought to eternal rest in the same place – the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The unit commander wrote a letter of condolence to his family and noted Avner in his responsible position, which required diligence, devotion, intelligence and responsibility, in which he would spend nights and days. “In every case of special missions,” the commander continued, “Avner was one of the first volunteers, so the disaster fell upon us a few hours after he felt that he was helping his comrades. And even above the demands … An excellent friend and commander was taken away from us. ” In February 1969, the Tel Yosef farm published its “From Our Lives” newsletter dedicated to Avner. Afterwards, a pamphlet called “Avner” appeared on it and in memory. In Tel Yosef a garden was planted and a memorial stone was placed in it,Name of Avner. In Volume 4 of “Goily Ash”, the bag of the estate of the sons who fell in Israel’s wars, was brought from his estate.

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