Simcha, Avinoam

Simcha, Avinoam

Son of Nissim and Mazal. Born on December 24, 1951, in Moshav Eliashiv, he moved with his family to live in Netanya. At first he went to study in a religious school, but after a short time moved to the Itamar elementary school in the city. He continued his high school studies first as an apprentice student at the Neurim School in Kfar Vitkin and completed it at the “New High School” in Netanya. He was diligent and studied every day until late. Avinoam was a quiet, kind, smiling boy. He was a member of the Hashomer Hatzair movement. He taught and was very active and excelled in folk dancing. When he went with the movement to labor camps, he was assigned to be the work sorter. As a child he was also active in the maritime movement “Zevulun”. During his many trips and trips with his nucleus at Kibbutz Sde Yoav, he took a lot of photographs. Avinoam was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1969 and joined the Nahal Brigade. He was very angry and turned down a proposal that he should not serve as a combat soldier, and after taking basic training he took a commanding role as a squad commander and took him on a mission of responsibility on May 6, 1970. He fell on the slopes of Mount Hermon with a fire of terrorists. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. The commander of his unit wrote to the family in a letter of condolence: “Your son fell – – in a battle with hostile forces who came to attack our borders and our communities … Your son gave his life to defend the homeland so that families and children in communities near the border could live. We, his comrades-in-arms, will continue on his path and will be given the most precious thing in defending the homeland, in order to ensure its existence and security. ” His friends, parents and Kibbutz Sadeh Yoav published a pamphlet in his memory entitled “To Be Again Avinoam”.

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