Siman Tov, Roy

Siman Tov, Roy

Ben Ronit and Aryeh. He was born on 5 August 1972 in Holon and studied at the Ramat Efal elementary school, where he graduated from the ORT Technikum Givatayim High School in automation and control. October 1990 and joined the General Staff. After basic training, he was posted to the headquarters of the Chief Medical Officer as a computer programmer. According to his commanders, he was a good and disciplined soldier and did his job well. On July 29, 1992, Roy fell in the line of duty and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Holon. He left behind a sister – Sagit and Etai. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “Roi arrived at our unit about a year and a half ago, and within a short time we realized his many talents and learning ability. Was a candidate for an officers’ course, a well-known, loved by many and many of his friends, always eager to help and solve every problem when a worn-out daughter was covered. “

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