Silver, Meir (Metty)

Silver, Meir (Metty)

Son of Dvora-Esther and Abraham was born on July 18, 1927 in Libawa, Latvia, and as a child his parents emigrated to South Africa, and a few years later settled in the port city of Port Elizabeth, in the state of Cape. In his youth he joined the ranks of Betar, and when he left the city he was the commander of the local nest. He began studying engineering at the University of Johannesburg, but when he had the hope that he would be able to immigrate to Israel as a pioneer, he joined the hachshara near the city. On the eve of the elections to the Zionist Congress prior to the founding of the state, he left the hachshara, returned to the city and devoted all his energies and time to the election propaganda. Became a journalist and served his movement in writing. On 22.12.1947 he immigrated to Israel as a student of the Hebrew University and at the same time served in Israel as the correspondent of the Revisionist newspaper in Johannesburg. He joined the Irgun and was active in the Propaganda Department and completed a course for lieutenants, who in the underground recognized him as Hillel, and said: “It is good to die on the land of Israel than to live a Simcha life in the Diaspora.” Ramat Rachel after being conquered by the enemy on 23.5.1948. The force was under heavy attack by the enemy, but lasted until reinforcements arrived and the enemy was repulsed. In this battle he fell, on the day of the 16th of Iyar 5708 (May 25, 1948). He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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