Silberman, Israel

Silberman, Israel

Son of Tovah and Avigdor, was born on September 4, 1921 in Tiberias, the eldest brother of six brothers and sisters, When the War of Independence began in the winter of 1948, he returned to the defense of the city and the surrounding area during the night guard duty, as a commander of a position and as a good caliber whose bullets did not miss their goal. “A number of operations were carried out to reduce the” Faluja pocket, “in which an Egyptian brigade was encircled, one of which was the attack on Regiment 7 south of the Iraqi-Suweidan police force, On the 3rd of Cheshvan 5709 (November 3, 1948). On the 27th of Tevet 5711 (27.12.1950) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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