Silberberg, Natan (Nachman) (“Natach”)

Silberberg, Natan (Nachman) (“Natach”)

Son of Baruch – David and Eve. He was born on January 25, 1948 in Fecht, Germany. A year later, the family immigrated to Israel. When he reached school age, he began studying at the “Emunim” elementary school and completed his studies there. Afterward, he attended the municipal vocational high school in “Torah and Crafts” and in the matriculation exams he went to the Ankori School. In August 1964 he was drafted into the Israel Air Force, but on 18.9.1967 he was killed at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and the “Torah and Crafts” school was established (with the participation of the Department of Commemoration of the Soldier in the Ministry of Defense) A library dedicated to the commemoration of his memory and to the memory of Yitzhak Osasibel, who was one of the students and graduates of the school.

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