Shvalbe, Ofer

Shvalbe, Ofer

Ofer, son of Varda and Ze’ev, was born on April 14, 1954, in Haifa. He studied at the Be’eri Elementary School in the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood, and when he completed four grades, he was accepted to the “Reali” school in Haifa. Where he completed his elementary and post-primary studies in the social track, and in the summer of 1972 he passed the matriculation exams. Ofer was the eldest son of his parents, and a loving brother to Eilat, who was born when he was four years old. A wonderful relationship was created between Ofer and Eilat from the moment of her birth. His mother said that Ofer drove in Eilat with great patience when she was little, and over the years the ties of friendship and friendship deepened between them. At the Be’eri Elementary School he was a diligent and outstanding student, and he also achieved good achievements at the “Reali” school, and learned from his desire and interest to acquire knowledge and broaden his horizons. He was interested in economics and therefore chose the social trend and did well in his studies. He was active in the “Scouts” movement, served in various training positions and played every role impeccably. He traveled with his friends on trips and trips in Israel, participated in parties and celebrations, initiated and participated in various volunteer activities. When he was seventeen years old, he was sent by the Jewish Agency and the Rothschild House in Haifa to instruct Jewish youth at summer camps in New Jersey, where he spent more than two months. “During this trip, he acquired many friends and knew a different way of life. When he came back from the camp, he was excited, full of experiences like a grenade, and told us days and nights about his experiences, “said the family, who was a tall, sturdy, handsome man with green eyes who expressed kindness and wisdom and a curly hair. : “Ofer had a loving son and brother. We never heard from him a word of complaint or complaint. In every situation he was in, he wanted to see the good and make the most of it. “Ofer was drafted into the IDF in early August 1972 and assigned to the Armored Corps. The family members said that even before he was drafted he tried to get accepted for an Air Force pilot course, but because of a flaw in one of his eyes, his request was rejected. After completing basic training in the Armored Corps, he graduated with honors (95) in a course for tank operations and was sent on the recommendation of his commanders to the tank commanders course. In his unit he became known as an excellent soldier and a loyal friend. His comrades in the unit spoke of his willingness to take on more than necessary roles, his integrity and his intelligence. “Ofer wanted to continue as part of the officers’ course, after he had passed the tests at the end of the commanders course,” but all the programs were interrupted in Ivan. He was alive and youthful when the thread of his life was fixed. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Ofer was a trainee in a tank commanders course. The students were attached to armored units and sent to Sinai with his friends, where he fought for ten days in the braking battles. His friends tell of his courage, his devotion to the missions and his devotion to his role as a tank gunner. In the battle that took place on the 20th of Tishrei 5734, his tank was hit not far from the “Chinese farm.” Ofer was critically wounded and spent three days fighting for his life at Tel Hashomer Hospital. On the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (19.10.1973), Ofer died of his wounds in the afternoon, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving behind his parents and a sister. Tank commander, and was raised to the rank of sergeant.In a letter of condolence to the bereaved parents, the unit commander wrote: “Your son, Ofer, served in an armored unit as a gunner, The discovery of courage and the recognition of the mission he carried out. “

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