Shulakis, Shraga

Shulakis, Shraga

Son of Rachel and Yehiel, was born on 3 March 1930 in the city of Pudel-Aliya, in the province of Iasi, Romania, who returned to Israel with him at the age of six months, and was one of the founders of Kiryat Haim His father, a veteran member of the Haganah, was educated in an honest and pioneering spirit, despite the difficult economic situation that prevailed in his home, and during his air attacks on Haifa during the Second World War he moved to Kfar Saba, He returned to Kiryat Haim, continued his studies at the “Atid” high school and at the vocational school of the Technion, where he discovered many talents in technique, He was a member of the Gordonia youth movement and a member of Hapoel’s naval company, a tall, handsome and excellent athlete who served as a construction engineer, On November 29, 1947, immediately after the UN General Assembly decided to divide the country into two states, he enlisted in full mobilization for the Haganah and served as a machine gunner in the brigade’s battalion “Carmeli”. He participated in the difficult battles as an expert machine gunner in Ramat Yohanan, Shfaram, Rosh Hanikra, Lagoon and Megiddo, Haifa, Akko, Nebi Yosha and Malkia, Mishmar Hayarden and Ramot Naftali. In an attack on the Arab convoy of weapons on its way from Acre to Haifa, it was given the task of delaying it by throwing Molotov cocktails. Because of his excessive fondness for his machine gun and his excellent treatment, in which 250 soldiers were chosen to participate in the first military parade in Tel Aviv. He fell close to his machine gun in a battle over the Sheikh-Abd outpost near Manara on the 19th of Tishrei, 5709 (October 22, 1948), while he was hovering over his comrades. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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