Shukron, Shauli-Yehoshua

Shukron, Shauli-Yehoshua

Ben Meir-Shlomo and Aisha. He was born on the 13th of Tammuz 5672 (17.7.1932) in the city of Safro in Morocco. He studied in an elementary school, but his poor parents could not guarantee his existence in a country where the conditions of exile humiliated most of the Jews and brought them to a state of poverty and begging. He specialized in craftsmanship and became a goldsmith and excelled in his work. But in light of the situation it occurred to him one day to immigrate to Israel, and slowly the thought began to preoccupy him day and night. He was an entrepreneur and overcame all the obstacles during his escape from Morocco, a country where so much was required of him and he was given so little. In his first attempt he was caught by the police, but their bad treatment increased his hatred of them and their country, and the love of his new homeland grew. With courage he finally managed to reach Israel (in 1949), and immediately after his arrival he joined the IDF in order to fight the oppressors of his brother, and his car fell on a landmine near Bet Guvrin on October 12, 1949 and he was killed and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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