Shprong, Yiftach

Shprong, Yiftach

Son of Yehuda and Dvora, members of Degania Aleph. He was born on the 11th of Adar 5711 (March 11, 1941). He grew up in the veteran group and absorbed the atmosphere and even the cultural spirit of his parents’ home: his father is a high school teacher and his mother is a nurse and a nurse, and she is studying biology at Tel Aviv University. He completed his high school studies at Beit Yerah and enrolled at the University of Tel Aviv in the Faculty of Chemistry. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and a youth counselor in the group; There was also an Arab music organizer instead of playing the guitar. After graduating he worked in agriculture. In August 1960, he was drafted into the IDF, but was later transferred to the Sayeret commando unit, and after his discharge from the army he went on reserve duty from time to time and even during the Six Day War was called to the flag and served as a liaison sergeant during the war. On the Golan Heights, he died of his wounds on the fifth day of the battles – he was the second of Sivan 5727 (10.6.1967). He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Degania Aleph. His group published a booklet in his memory called “Yiftach”. In “Kinnarot”, a bi-monthly journal of the Emek Hayarden Regional Council, his name was commemorated. In the book, “On Their Way,” published by the Union of the Kibbutzim and the Kibbutzim and the memory of the members of the Union who fell in the battle, things were brought to its attention. In the anthology of the sons of the fallen soldiers in the Israeli army, “Goily Ash”, Volume IV, was brought from his estate.

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