Shprinzak, Aharon-David

Shprinzak, Aharon-David

Aharon-David, son of Hanna and Yosef (the first chairman of the Knesset) Shprinzak, members of the Second Aliyah, was born in 1924 in Jerusalem. Shortly after joining the ranks of the Haganah, he completed a commanders’ course in Kfar Menahem. During the period of the struggle against the British he was very active and participated in various acts of sabotage carried out by the Haganah. On the 26th of Iyar 5708 (June 4, 1948), when the Egyptian Navy tried to shell the Tel Aviv coast, Aharon-David was at the airport. When there was no other way to prevent the enemy from operating but by bombing from the air, he volunteered with his friend Mati Sukenik to carry out this mission. The operation was successful, but their plane was shot down. About two months before his fall, he married Yaffa Agassi. Their daughter, Nechama, was born after his fall. His parents were awarded the symbol of the wings of the aircraft, a souvenir of the heroism of their son, together with a scroll signed by the Commander of the Air Force, Major General Aharon Remez. A monument in his memory was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Monuments in his memory were also erected in Gan Ha’atzmaut and on Ramat Hatayasim in Tel Aviv. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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