Shpashevitz, Israel (Sasha)

Shpashevitz, Israel (Sasha)

Son of Vladimir and Rachel. He was born on February 26, 1950, in Czernowitz, USSR, and immigrated to Israel in 1976. He studied in the elementary school in his hometown and then continued his high school studies in an academic track, and was an only child of his parents. When he was two years old, his father enlisted in the Red Army, and his mother raised him on her own until he was five years old, and was very active in the school and participated in arts and sports circles He learned to play the guitar and accompanied himself when he sang, and was a very sociable and socially accepted boy For health reasons, Israel was exempt from service in the Soviet army, he married a wife and gave birth to a son, but together with his own family he continued to live with his parents, to whom he was very attached. Israel was very reluctant to immigrate to Israel with his parents, although his wife was prevented from doing so because of her parents’ disapproval. The family settled in Migdal Ha’Emek and were well received. Israel was hired by the Inbal factory for producing pianos. Where he worked as a pianist until his induction into the IDF, and in early August 1977 he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Northern Command. On the 12th of Shevat 5739 (February 8, 1979), Israel fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Migdal Ha’emek. Survived by a wife and son in the Soviet Union, and parents. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “He was of a unique nature.” His friends wrote: “Israel was a true friend who understood his friends and offered them Help at all times … will always live in his poems and in his voice that everyone so loved. From time to time we listen to his song that was recorded on a sound track, and it seems as though he is alive and talking to us. “

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