Shoshan, Yanai

Shoshan, Yanai

Ben Ellis and Massoud. He was born on 29.4.1973 in Ofakim. He is a fourth-year-old of a family of eight, observant and observant. Yanai studied at the religious elementary school “Abir Yaakov” in Ofakim, in the religious high school junior high school and at the “Beit Yehuda” yeshiva in Kfar Maimon. A quiet guy with big eyes and a shy smile. Yannai was brought up to love the people of Israel and the Land of Israel, and saw Torah study as a primary goal. In addition to studying the Bible, he took the matriculation exams. According to his friends in the yeshiva, he stood out for his modesty, listened carefully to others, respected others, and observed the mitzvah of honoring parents. After his military service he planned to study arithmetic and holy thought at Bar-Ilan University. In August 1991, Yanai was drafted into the army and volunteered for the Givati ​​Brigade and completed his long and arduous basic training course and was sent to expand his combat course in the Infantry Corps course. Yanai’s department was an example. He was a father, mother and brother for them, an address that can always be addressed. According to his subordinates, Yanai was a professional and dedicated commander and at the same time a warm and sensitive member. He was characterized by kindness and a captivating smile. When Yanai finished training the recruits, he was asked to instruct another class. He refused, claiming that he wanted to go into operational activity. Yanai served in the Tzabar Battalion, where he went on to continue his training and activities in Gaza, Hebron and Lebanon. Due to his excellence as commander, Yanai was chosen to embark on a course for combat symbols. Yanai took care of all the prayers, along with his other positions in the army. Four months before his release, Yanai, with nine other outstanding fighters, veterans and senior soldiers from Givati, was chosen to carry out an operation in Lebanon, and on January 14, 1994, following his training, Yanai volunteered to present The entire operation before his friends, on the eve of entering Lebanon. During the operations and exercises, the grenade exploded in the pouch he carried on his body, and Viennese returned his soul to the Creator. At the age of twenty-one, Yanai was falling. He was laid to rest in the military section of the military cemetery in Ofakim. Survived by his parents, three brothers – Eli, Yigal and David and four sisters – Sagit, Limor, Natalie and Carmit. In a condolence letter to the family, the unit commander wrote: “Yanai was killed during preparations for operational activity deep inside the security zone … Yanai, who was calm and calm, was chosen by his commanders to embark on the operation, Yanai will remain in the memory of his commanders, soldiers and comrades, with his high forehead and skullcap on his head, as a professional fighter who did his service out of a belief in the justice of his path and out of his love for the homeland … ” Yannai was born on the eve of Holocaust Martyrs ‘and Heroes’ Remembrance Day, passed a circumcision on the eve of Memorial Day for IDF soldiers and died on his Bar Mitzvah Saturday, his family commemorating his name in a book he published, donating a Torah scroll and a memorial candle to the synagogue. The company donated to Yannai Menorah’s memorial to the synagogue.

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