Sholvitz, Yonatan Asher

Sholvitz, Yonatan Asher

Son of Malka and Yehuda. He was born on December 19, 1967 in Jerusalem. The father came from the United States as a student and Malka immigrated from England in her youth. Jonathan, a Yaffa and smiling child, loved to hear and play Yaffa stories. He began his studies at the Maaleh Elementary School and continued at the Alena de Rothschild Elementary School in Jerusalem. He continued his high school studies with a general humanistic track at the Himmelfarb High School in Beit Vagan. Jonathan discovered his love for Israel at an early age. He went out and wandered around the country and began to show great interest in the fate of the people of Israel. He was greatly influenced by the atmosphere in the family home, but soon developed his own views on Zionism. At the age of fifteen he changed direction, turning his main interest to meteorology. His parents bought him a kind of home station that he could track the weather from the balcony of his home. His love for life was evident in his devoted care, especially his dog Billy. At one point he expressed his desire to study veterinary medicine. Jonathan belonged to the Scout movement. As part of the movement he traveled extensively in Israel, read a lot and especially focused on figures who stood out in their personalities in Jewish history and Zionism. He volunteered for Magen David Adom and participated in several first aid courses. The character ‘giving’ was. During his free time, he was active in sports, playing basketball and running a lot. He loved modern music and developed great sensitivity to classical music. Nevertheless, he understood the importance of “small things” in life. He helped the house and the neighbors, listened to others in need and sometimes puzzled understanding. He had a great talent for penetrating a person’s soul. He was interested in what was going on here and in the wider world. Sometimes he traveled with his family to their countries of origin and roots, and he enjoyed and was excited by every opportunity, but more than anything else he was Simcha to return to his beloved country. He was proud of his ancient heritage. He looked at what was happening in neighboring countries to understand Islam’s attitude towards the Jews and its influence on our situation and our future. Despite his hawkish views, he was a real and enthusiastic democrat. In the 11th grade, Yonatan joined the “Rishit” project, a joint project for Kibbutz Rishit and the IDF. He saw this as a Zionist and religious ideal and was active in the nuclear organization and the link between all the elements. He was considered the living spirit in everything related to the operation of the circle, which combined patrols, knowledge of the land and ideological circles. When the idea of ​​a joint military campaign was formed, he was the head of the supporters and attributed to the nucleus an enormous importance for the growth of commanders and educators with a spirit of spirit that will influence the army and later become contributing citizens and tools for educational activity. His commanders testified that he was a wonderful, calm, introverted and modest boy with a soft, kind smile. A natural leader, interested and introspective, and tolerant of others. The goal of the project was to form a nucleus of caring and sensitive people from various streams, religious, secular, kibbutznik and urban, and to join together in the army. At the end of October 1985, Yonatan was drafted into the army, volunteering for the Golani Brigade and starting basic training, and on the 12th of Kislev 5762 (2 December 1985), Jonathan was killed while serving in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. “As someone who volunteered in his childhood to help his neighbors and his surroundings in the various jobs, he was one of the first volunteers to the Reshit project and was a member of this group for a long time. A gentle boy, quiet and thoughtful. Yonatan z “l enlisted with his friends to serve in a combat unit considered one of the best in the IDF. During the short period he was with us, he liked his friends and impressed his commanders with his great willingness to contribute by himself and his free time and his personal ability. The Zionist-religious ideal that motivated him before he enlisted in the IDF continued to benefitDuring his service. We set up a splendid company, a company that showed that it was possible to maintain a Jewish army in a different atmosphere, motivation, joy of life and brotherhood. A company that brought out many commanders. “So they continued on Jonathan’s path

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